Upper Elementary Ages 9-12 Grades 4-6 The child is now an abstract thinker who is seeking answers to their own questions. There is a greater awareness of the community at large requiring good citizenship skills and responsibility to others. It is a time of service in order to foster a greater humanity. In order to reach their full potential, students spend much time learning critical thinking skills by exploring places outside the classroom, where they have the opportunity to experience knowledge first hand. Ultimately, they find their place in society with confidence.
“Education is a natural process carved out by the human individual, and is acquired not by listening to words but by experience in the environment” –Maria Montessori.
The Montessori Elementary is a continuum program that covers ages 6-12 for grades 1-6. The physical and psychological changes in the Elementary prepares the child to take the world by storm. Montessori takes a holistic approach, taking into consideration the social, emotional and intellectual needs of the child at this level. They work collaboratively, have discussions about their work, engage in problem solving, and attempt to resolve conflicts naturally. Children develop self-discipline from strong work habits that engage their imagination, curiosity and exploration of the world. This is a time of tremendous intellectual growth. Lessons in mathematics, language, geometry, history, geography, botany, music and art are approached with deeper meaning allowing students to study first at a fundamental level and later at an in- depth level. The curriculum opens up with Great Lessons, which are stories that excite the imagination.
Then the child’s own questions form the basis for further questions, exploration and research. Students engage in open-ended research and in-depth study using primary and secondary sources, charts, and timelines rather than textbooks. Montessori education capitalizes on the elementary child’s insatiable desire to understand the universe and their place in it.
Our Elementary program incorporates many student-planned unique experiences:
The Elementary curriculum includes geography, biology, history, language, mathematics, science, music, Spanish, physical education and art. The subject areas are integrated into interdisciplinary fields. One of the goals of the elementary program is to foster the child’s feeling of connectedness to all humanity, and encourage their natural desire to make contributions to the world.
Montessori International Children's House
1641 N Winchester Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409, United States of America
Located off Route #2 near the Naval Academy