As an independent school, MICH does not receive any financial support from the local, state, or federal government. Independent schools, MICH included, depend upon tuition, donations, and investment income to fund the operation of the school.
We ask our parents, alumni, faculty, grandparents and friends to make voluntary donations to MICH so that we can fully fund the excellence in education for which we are known. Your donations contribute to enhanced programming, continued improvement of our physical facility, and most importantly allows MICH to continue to provide its excellence in education for every student.
The most important resource we have is our children. Your donation ensures that they receive the best education possible. An education that is as concerned with facts, figures, and helping students learn to question, explore, analyze as it is with teaching them respect for themselves and others, and their unique place in the greater world.
Donations to the Annual Fund are unrestricted gifts that allow MICH to use the funds where they are most needed. The majority of the MICH operating budget is for teacher and staff salaries. This investment in our staff pays dividends every day and your child is the beneficiary! A strong annual fund keeps teacher salaries competitive, provides for professional development, allows MICH to meet unbudgeted expenses and gives MICH the flexibility to take advantage of unexpected educational activities.
Yes! The Tuition Assistance Fund provides assistance to current families whose children otherwise would not be able to continue their education at MICH. You may direct your annual fund donation to this fund.
The Excellence in Education Annual Fund is conducted annually during MICH’s fiscal year. Donations can be made from July 1 through June 30th of the following year. We ask that you make your pledge as early in the year as possible. Payments may be made throughout the year but no later than June 30th. Pledges may be paid by cash, check, credit card, or through gifts of stock.
Please be assured that every gift is important to us and greatly appreciated. It takes all of us working together to achieve our goals of providing the best education possible for our children. Please join us, at your level of choice, as we all invest our time, energies, and resources to benefit our most precious commodity – our children.
Friend – $100
Colleague – $250
Supporter – $500
Benefactor – $750
Sustaining Circle – $1,000
Creating Circle – $2,500
Sharing Circle – $5,000
Learning Circle – $10,000
Yes! All donations are deductible as allowed by law. Parents for Montessori Education Inc, T/A Montessori International Children’s House is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation, Federal Tax #52-1436080. All donations to the annual fund are acknowledged in writing. This acknowledgment should be retained for your tax records.
Thank you for supporting Montessori International Children's House!
Montessori International Children's House
1641 N Winchester Rd, Annapolis, MD 21409, United States of America
Located off Route #2 near the Naval Academy